Heavy hitting flat earth rap song from the album 'Never Sleep Again'. Links for free and paid versions are below. Thank you for supporting my truth music. - O.D.D TV *DIGITAL:* *iTunes:* goo.gl/ZlCy5Z *Amazon Music:* goo.gl/Ht6btw *Google Play:* goo.gl/jjJQ49 *CDbaby Digital:* goo.gl/mNw82m *Spotify:* goo.gl/ZRfDKr *Tidal:* goo.gl/EpfuQ2 *PHYSICAL:* 1. goo.gl/P3LnOQ 2. goo.gl/Z8QsLz *FREE DOWNLOAD:* goo.gl/K4WaOX or *Soundcloud* goo.gl/an2PxC *Acapella Remix Package:* goo.gl/qfNfnm #truthmusic Check out my Flat Earth and Anti-NASA T-Shirts and Accessories: RedBubble: www.redbubble.com/people/oddtv/shop Vlog Channel: www.youtube.com/c/ODDtv3 Facebook: www.facebook.com/ODDTV/ SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/overdosedenvermusic Twitter: twitter.com/oddtv3 Instagram: www.instagram.com/odd_tv_youtube/ stoplookthink.com/ #flatearth