The "Skinny Fat" Solution - Should You Bulk Or Cut First? (REAL Truth)

submitted by impellium on 07/02/17 1

►If you found this video helpful hit Subscribe to support the channel ► In this video you'll find out the real solution to the skinny fat problem and if should you bulk or cut first. This is something I get asked every single day and from my experience there's just more and more people stuck in this dillemma. So I've put together my thought process that I use with clients into a video to help you make the right choice for yourself. Also I've added multiple case study examples with specific solutions and several key points throughout the video to make it as helpful for you as possible. Related nutrition videos you wanna check out: Calories Macros Truth about Losing Belly Fat Lose Fat And Gain Muscle At The Same Time Key points: "Skinny fat" is becoming more and more of a problem. Combine no weight training with a low protein and a caloric deficit + hours of cardio or very high rep training eventually people yo-yo back and become skinny fat. The core problem of the "skinny fat" individual is a big lack of lean muscle mass. One thing to realize is that getting out of this is a 2-Step process. You'll have to go through a lean bulk followed by a cut OR a cut followed by a lean bulk. And you're most likely not gonna be near your goal physique after the Step 1 regardless of whether that's a bulk or a cut. It simply takes time to build a sufficient amount of muscle mass. - Within the Skinny Fat category there's also several sub-categories which will determine what could be the better choice first: bulk or a cut. And neither is the "right" choice. You can get to your goal with either one. And there's a lot of coaches out there that just recommend 1 single approach. With this video I want to give you options and my recommendations which are more customized to your situation. - First thing you wanna look at is your body type. Are you a naturally skinny with a hard time gaining weight are you someone who can gains weight very easy? Now that you've figured that out. - Step 2 is to see your training age: Are you a complete beginner or someone who has trained in the past or is currently training. For a naturally skinny guy with no prior experience a nice slow bulk is probably a good option The person can add a decent amount of muscle and won't gain that much fat in the process. Might even burn off some fat. For a person who's naturally gaining weight easier or if someone is generally overweight the better option would be a cut. This is both for aesthetic and health reasons. If you gain weight easy adding more fat on top of fat will make the whole process harder down the road. - For individuals who have gym experience, and those who have gone through their "newbie gains" a slower cut is probably a better option because they'll be able to regain a lot of that muscle mass fast. And in general they know how to train properly and they can get into that a lot easier. - One important factor to also consider is what would make you happy. The psychology of the choice. Some people just hate being skinny, and some people hate being fat. If either one of those describes your mindset then just choose to go for the thing that will make you more happy. Choose the "lesser evil" whether is a bulk or a cut. You wanna do something you'll enjoy in the end because this is a long process and if you don't like what you're aiming it's very hard to be consistent with the right habits: - Eating a high protein diet with the right calories / macros composed of 80-90 of unprocessed whole foods. - Training 3-4 times a week in the gym with focusing on progressive overload and increase strenght over time. - Getting proper sleep and recovery. And regardless of what you choose don't forget that it's a 2-step process, it will take time but eventually you will get there and you'll achieve your goal. More details, case studies and photo examples are in the video. Let me know in the comments if you're currently in the "skinny fat" situation and what's your next step. Hope you enjoyed. And I'll see you in the next one, - Mario Download My Best Gym Workout Routine for Free ➤ Download My Best Best Home & Travel Workout for Free ➤ For more fitness, nutrition and personal development tips check out: Facebook: Instagram: Website: Music Used: Alan Walker - Spectre [NCS Release] Follow Alan Walker Facebook SoundCloud YouTube Twitter

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