To become an effective leader – managing money, property, people and all kinds of situations – you must enhance your own capabilities. As Sadhguru explains, if you cannot maintain a pleasant state of mind, your body and mind will never function at their optimal level. Your intelligence and productivity naturally increase when you are able to keep yourself in sustained levels of pleasantness within. **************************************** Transcript: Sadhguru: When we say leadership, most of the time any kind of leadership training is spent on learning to manage situations, people, money, property. Yes, all this is important but how could you… Essentially a leader means you must be able to manage a few thousand people, or in other words you are trying to manage a few thousand minds. But if you are incapable of managing this one, this mind (Referring to one’s own mind), how will you manage that mind? -Just by chance. When you’re managing situations by chance you will be always freaked. Anxiety and leadership has become synonymous today because you are managing people by chance. If you cannot manage this (Referring to oneself) one, managing that one is definitely by chance. So, one of the most significant aspects of leadership has been generally ignored or people have acquired this out of their own natural capabilities. When you do things accidentally, being anxious is very natural. And today we have enough medical evidence to prove that if you are not in a very pleasant state of mind then your body and your mind will never function at its optimal level. There is substantial medical evidence towards this. Only when you are very peaceful and blissful your body and your mind works at its best. And your success in this world is just this – to what extent can you harness the capabilities of this physical body and this mind. That’s all success is. It doesn’t matter what is the nature of your activity, that’s all it is. Is it so? And the most fundamental and the basic requirement to make your body and mind work properly, sensibly in the highest possible way is, that if you sit here you must be in a state of pleasantness within you. If I ask you this simple question, how many of you in these many years of living have had a 24-hour stretch, that is one single full day where you did not have a single moment of irritation, hesitation, anger, anxiety, stress, nothing, you just passed through it blissfully? How many? Very few people can say yes to this. Not just here, in the whole world unfortunately. In all these years of living, not even a single day happened the way you want it. Not outside, within yourself. If your body and your mind took instructions from you, how would you keep it, pleasant or unpleasant? Let me know your choices. How would you keep it? Participant: Pleasant. Read Full Transcript: **************************************** More Videos & Blogs on Website Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times. Subscribe to our channel here: Free Guided Meditation by Sadhguru at Free Yoga Tools For Transformation at Official Facebook Page of Sadhguru Official Twitter Profile of Sadhguru Download Sadhguru App