When a regional retailer in Indianapolis discovered a large chlorinated solvent plume beneath their facility, the consulting firm EnviroForensics was chosen to remediate the plume and help secure closure of the site. After considering remedial options ranging from thermal to enhanced reductive dechlorination, EnviroForensics chose a combined remedies approaching that incorporated the REGENESIS products PlumeStop® Liquid Activated Carbon™, HRC®, and BDI® Plus. Subsurface conditions being heterogeneous at the site, PlumeStop was selected to coat coarse-grained soils and address back diffusion of chlorinated solvents out of the fine-grained soils. With the goal of greatly decreasing or eliminating contaminant migration, REGENESIS Remediation Services (RRS) conducted the application quickly, efficiently, and on budget. Keith Gaskill, Chief Geologist at EnviroForensics, expects PlumeStop to start working immediately and help them secure closure of the site.