Do you have an answer for the craziest paradoxes in the world? These crazy paradoxes have been debated for years, let's see what you think. These are 25 craziest paradoxes that will blow your mind! Have you figured out the answer to some of these crazy paradoxes? If you have, LET US KNOW (on the comments below). Be sure to check out our full list of 25 craziest paradoxes that will blow your mind (and our photo credits and sources), and don’t forget to leave us a comment (seriously, we want to know what you figured out): Like our crazy paradox video? Follow us on: Facebook - Instagram: Twitter - Pinterest: See more lists on our website: One of the craziest paradoxes on today’s list is the sorites paradox. It asks - if you remove grains of sand from a heap one at a time, when is the heap no longer a heap? Never thought about that did you? How about the classic but still crazy paradox of the egg and the chicken – which do you think came first? Or better yet, how about the uniqueness paradox – if everyone is special, nobody is special. If these crazy paradoxes got your brain racing then get ready, because today’s list is full of even more crazy paradoxes (22 more to be exact). Like the free will paradox or the lover’s Paradox (which is somewhat romantic and then it really isn’t romantic at all). Let’s not forget about the paradox of tolerance and the blister pack paradox. So be sure to take a seat because your mind is about to take a bizarre ride through 25 craziest paradoxes. If you liked our crazy paradox video, try these next: 25 Ways That Your Body Is Weirder Than You Think - 25 Biology Mysteries Humanity Has Not Figured Our Yet -