Maths Past Papers And Other Support For Children With Additional Needs

submitted by mathpastpapers on 05/15/17 1

Underneath all the funding crises in education lays the necessities of children with additional needs. How will the latest investment support them, particularly during exams, with regards to the maths past papers they need? The Government announced a £215 million funding boost for children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities). How far will it go and what difference will it make to the educational and exam outcomes, including the GCSE maths exam papers, of these children? Every local council is allocated a minimum of £500,000 to expand their SEND provision. The question is how will this money help, and how will councils allocate it. With the exam session upon us, many face the stress and workloads that come with the exams, including KS2 maths papers. If the money doesn’t translate into real and tangible support for children with SEND, then what’s its point? Parents are already turning to maths past GCSE papers, for exam support. Parents should discuss their child’s specific needs with school SEND coordinators to ensure that their maths past papers come from reputable sources. However, it’s also important that all involved in the education of SEND children monitor how and where this additional funding is spent. Click Here:

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