THE GLORY I HAVE IN MY VESSEL. What You know is part of your future, our destiny can never be forged by God, He give it to us so we can forge it, and is what you know that help you to forge destiny. Every man that is alive on earth is expected to protect his life; the life God gave you is a life you must protect, so you need to make deliberate effort to protest it. Because God has given you a life you must protect. The bible says here, that there is something about your body, that your body is a treasure. A lot of people don’t see their body this way that is why they take alcohol they smoke and misuse their body, they do all manner of evil with their body, because they can’t see the treasure of that body, whatever that is not protected will not be preserved, any part of you that is not protected will not be preserved, anything that you have that is not protected will not be preserved by God.