How to start kriya yoga? 4 entry kriyas. Feeding our body with movements. Yoga that can give stunning and seemingly magic results. School of Open Yoga offers you kriya yoga sequence you can easily practice at home. This yoga helps to remove stress, become more positive and balanced. It is suitable for almost everyone. It is very ancient practice and for a long period of time it was not available for general public and was kept secret. Like in any other kinds of yoga the main thing is harmony!!! Be gentle to yourself! Especially in kriya as kriya yoga primarily works on finer level than hatha yoga with its static exercises. If you want to learn to meditate your physical body needs to be in good shape – kriya yoga was created for this purpose. We have reached entry kriya No3. Entry kriyas are more challenging than kriyas in round 1 and round 2. This is the third entry kriya. It will let to work with your spine. There are several physical levels to choose from when you practice kriya yoga. ADVICE – if you just start getting to know kriya yoga keep your legs slightly bent in this pose. Repeat this pose several times within the given time period (30-90 seconds). You may also fix a certain position for a longer time or take small breaks. You can do this practice at different parts of the day. In the morning be as gentle to yourself as possible. No discomfort allowed at any time!!! When this kriya is finished and only one kriya is left for entry kriyas. This practice in based on ancient kriya yoga treatise. Full version will be available on http:// courses. Extract from treatise on this kriya: Bend forward and touch the ground with your hands. Repeat many times. Let the energy flow from your head to your hands through the spine. __________