ANCIENT practice for MODERN lifestyle - guided kriya yoga practice. If you wish to study kriya yoga this is a great way to do it! Learn practical pose together with theoretical details in description section. Perfect for kriya yoga beginners How to start kriya yoga workout? It does not matter how much you know about kriya yoga and its practical or theoretical side. This course is on this amazing kind of yoga that can give stunning and seemingly magic results and the course will be filled with many practical information. School of Open Yoga offers you kriya yoga sequence you can easily practice at home. Like in any other kinds of yoga the main thing is harmony!!! Be gentle to yourself. And especially in kriya yoga, even more than in hatha yoga as kriya yoga primarily works on finer level than hatha yoga with its static exercises. Guide of kriya yoga Every practice has three parts. Entry (introduction), the practice itself and conclusion or exist from the practice. We don’t simply jump in the practice. We need to get ready for it, to immerse in ourselves, to bring mind in very active state. Dinamyc plank pose description This is the 1st entry kriya. It is intended to have you focused on the following practice. We start with Plank pose. This pose works on the core of our body. It is highly demanding pose and there is no time or strength to focus on something else. We repeat this pose several times within the given time period (30-90 seconds) by flexing and strengthening our hands. In this video we will review lighter and harder alternatives for this exercise. This pose will require some effort and will give great results. It is worth it! This practice in based on ancient kriya yoga treatise. Full version will be available on courses. Extract from treatise on this kriya: Put your belly on the ground, hands - under the shoulders. Raise and lower your body with your hands, inhaling and holding your breath as long as it feels right. This way, you’ll dive deep into yourself.