Sustainable Food: Let's Start a Revolution! | Gerardo Urbina | TEDxNagoyaU

submitted by Madamxtra on 04/19/17 1

"Which one creates more greenhouse gas, transportation or animal production? Gerardo Urbina gave his answer based on some data and facts. He talked about his reason why and how he decided to be a vegan. He also indicated the possibility to make a food revolution by science and technology. Gerardo Urbina from the Republic of El Salvador is an international student of Nagoya University. Through communicating with some students from various cultures and backgrounds at Nagoya University, he thought about the vegetarian lifestyle and decided to practice it. At first, he sympathized with it from an ethical perspective. However, it hit him to reconsider food industry from a vegetarian point of view." 1994年生まれ。エルサルバドル出身。かねてより化学に興味を持ち、化学の研究がより盛んな国で学びたいという意欲から、2013年名古屋大学理学部化学科に入学。名古屋大学でさまざまな文化やバックグラウンドを持つ学生たちと触れ合う中で、ベジタリアンについて考え、自ら実践することを決意した。はじめは倫理的側面からベジタリアンに共感していたが、ベジタリアンの立場から食品産業を考え直すというアイディアにたどり着いた。2015年5月17日に行われたTEDxNagoyaU学生スピーカーオーディションでは、人々の心に残る斬新なアイディアが評価され、登壇が決定。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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