Our journey was coming to an end, and it was slowly beginning to register what an unforgettable and rich chapter of our life our time in South America had been. A physical challenge with countless rewards: The intrinsic happiness derived from body clocks ticking to the rhythms of nature, the feeling of strength and confidence earned by pedalling back and forth over the Andes, and with this, a broader sense of what is possible. The thing that stuck out more than anything though, were the encounters with such open people as South Americans are. None of the bad things the nay-sayers had been warning us about (robbery, swindling etc) had come to pass even once, instead we had been doted upon consistently from all sides, reinforcing our faith in the kindness of the human-race. It was with these thoughts in our heads that we rolled past the building sight of Santusa Leon de Gonzales, a lively woman with a team of builders helping her construct her house out of adobe bricks. We were keen to investigate, and our curiosity was rewarded with jam and bread, a hot meal and bed for the night, as well as a charming guided tour of her building sight for our camera. Thanks Santusa