Openupyourmind101/ 2016 Dr Llaila O Afrika shares his knowledge, wisdom, advice and educates us on the true (black man's) roots of african history and (food) culture. And exposes the destructive and damaging european and western culture that we have been taught to use and adopt. Misleading us from the origins of africa consequently making us sick and unhealthy. Dr. Afrika shares insight on herbs, if cooking food is beneficial or harmful, the importance of buying and eating organic raw food. Our denatured senses and the science of taste in the human body, cleansing cycles in the human body. Bipolarity of the psyche, emotional human state and cause of disease. Explains the truth behind his studies and teachings, and the difficulties of learning across europe in a political environment. Food pairing combinations and preparation. Discussion on sexuality and addiction issues relating to disconnect and confusion caused by subliminal imagery, lifestyle habits, technology, junk food and substance abuse which changes the bio chemistry of the human brain and DNA. ♥ SHOP ▶ ▶ Website: ▶ ▶ Follow on Facebook @ ♥ E-mail ▶ ▶