Hello everyone & welcome back to my channel, so todays video is a rather personal one, especially for me to be sharing on my channel with you all, I hope you understand the reasons as to why I have shared this with you and manage to take a piece of it with you to share with others on dealing (CLICK FOR MORE) with anxiety, stress & depression! I havent covered everything in this as there is quite a few diffrrent struggles I have faced over the years but thought this gave a rough overview of where it began etc! Another topic I haven't discussed in this video are my struggles with OCD, This is something I felt was a little separate to the actual video itself, but if you would like me to film a video regarding this than leave me a comment below and I will film something for you x MENTAL HEALTH HELP ♡ Mental Health Foundation: www.mentalhealth.org.uk/your-mental-health/getting-help Mind: www.mind.org.uk Support Line: www.supportline.org.uk/problems/mental_health.php Samaritans: www.samaritans.org Suicide Help NHS: www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Suicide/Pages/Getting-help.aspx SUBSCRIBE - www.youtube.com/channel/UCbR42-BZ1d274bkBGPzWBwg LINKS ♡ Blog: www.frankiebooxo.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/frankiebooxo Facebook: www.facebook.com/Frankiebooblogx/?ref=hl Twitter:twitter.com/frankiebooxo Snapchat: Frankiesamuelx CONTACT/BUSINESS ENQUIRIES ♡ frankiebooxo@gmail.com Lots of Love xo