Governments across the political spectrum are exploring and implementing carbon pricing… but not always in exactly the same way. In our second online panel discussion in a series of how carbon pricing differs on the right and left sides of the political spectrum, we explore progressives’ perspective on what a real-world carbon pricing policy package should look like. Our esteemed panel will look at the different approaches left-leaning governments are taking in Canada, including how provinces are revenue recycling to ensure household fairness and spur the transition to a low-carbon economy. For the perspective from the right, see our first panel in this series: Carbon Pricing from the Right. Moderator Chris Ragan Chair, Canada's Ecofiscal Commission McGill University, Department of Economics Expert Panel Angella MacEwen Labour and Social Policy Economist, Canadian Labour Congress Rick Smith Executive Director, Broadbent Institute Brian Topp Fellow, Public Policy Forum Formerly Chief of Staff, Government of Alberta