FACEBOOK: goo.gl/5MYigY Tasty food recipes. cooking videos for dinner. How to make yummy snacks afor begginers. Cheese fingers recipe. You can make them with mozzarella, emmental, gouda... Any semi-soft or medium-hard cheese. They will melt in the fry and will be delicious!! A simple and quick food video for lunch or dinner written goo.gl/EJmPjf SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE COOKING VIDEOS: goo.gl/M5HD3j MORE MEALS DISHES: www.alleasyfoodrecipes.net/ FACEBOOK: goo.gl/5MYigY Chef: Gorka Barredo Song: the builder. Kevin MacLeod are licenced by Creative Commons Attribution (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) link: incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400016 Artist: incompetech.com/