N.O.R.E. Gets Wasted While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

submitted by Drop Studios on 02/16/17 1

Rap legend and Drink Champs host N.O.R.E. lives up to his reputation as "your favorite drunk uncle" in this extra wild episode of Hot Ones. As if the violently hot wings weren't enough, N.O.R.E. challenges Sean to go shot-for-shot with Tiger Bone while attempting, with intermittent success, to discuss his storied career. Things fly off the rails in the best way possible--strap on your seat belts for this one, folks. Subscribe to First We Feast on YouTube: goo.gl/UxFzhK Check out more of First We Feast here: firstwefeast.com/ twitter.com/firstwefeast www.facebook.com/FirstWeFeast instagram.com/firstwefeast First We Feast videos offer an iconoclastic view into the culinary world, taking you behind-the-scenes with some of the country's best chefs and finding the unexpected places where food and pop culture intersect.

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