Healing Cancer with Black Salve on Woodstock TV (Public Access ch 23)

submitted by VidVideo on 02/05/17 1

Here is the 2 hour version of "Paula Gloria Removes Cancer with Black Salve" as it will be seen on Woodstock TV (cable TV in Woodstock New York) which includes parts of "One Answer to Cancer", the riveting documentary on Elaine Hollingsworth's terrible encounter with Aldara, the chemo therapy cream put out by 3M Corporation. 3M has lost billions in lawsuits but keeps selling a product that should be banned but the payout is nothing compared to what this Big Pharma corporation makes. Paula rolls in the "Occupy Peace" event put out by the Trends Research Institute of Kingston, New York on the historic site of our American government (the Constitutional one vs the color of law, municipal commercial imitation we have today)....sadly a topic not covered by Dr. Gary Null, Cindy Sheehan or even Ralph Nadar. ....our country is not a democracy but a democratic republic (if we can keep it as Benjamin Franklin said many years ago). Paula Gloria is delighted that man made problems which seem hopelessly insolvable do have a remedy. * This cheap, effective and thousands of years old method is within the reach of even the poorest and least advantaged who in the end are safer than in the hands of expensive Big Pharma proving how little money means in the light of all eternity. Paula and Joe, her husband, are very happy to have discovered this knowledge and intend to do all possible to bring healing to all they can reach.....www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyPSHzJDEqo to see the entire video "One Answer to Cancer". * "The Divine always has and always will meet every human need." - Mary Baker Eddy, Founder of Christian Science. FOR A FOLLOW-UP go to www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZmmqcmnQ-A 9 days later (post black salve removal by Paula Gloria)

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