Teespring A to Z Bangla Tutorial Here you can find all Teespring Solution for Bangla. 1st you can see full video then start your smart business. 1. First of all you need to create account, Click here to create account teespring.com/invites/8rhr1q 2. Launch a new campaign. 3. Setup your goal. 4. Set up campaign URL. 5. Done! Create Facebook/Google/Twitter Ads. Tips: As a seller, you can launch a Teespring campaign from anywhere in the world. You must set a duration for the project (3-21 days). If your campaign is successful, Teespring will take a flat fee per shirt sold, which is included in the quoted base price you see while creating your shirt. Stay Connect with us: www.facebook.com/groups/BangladeshDigitalMarketers www.facebook.com/EAHannan