FACES Connect is a new series made for FACES Alumni! This series will allow FACES Alumni to connect with us to gain helpful insights and resources that can support them in their professional life. With your host, Angela Thai, you will be introduced to a whole new world of FACES. If you are an Alumnus, we want to hear from you! This series is made for you, so we want it to be as helpful as possible! Please let us know what you would like to see and we'll make it happen. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! What's in store? - Alumni Spotlights - Current FACES Students - Guest Speakers - Webinars - How-to Videos - Much more!! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ FACES Alumni Portal: facesforthefuture.org/alumni-listings/ The Alumni portal lists job opportunities, internships, scholarships and much more, exclusively for FACES Alumni only! Please contact us for the password if you haven't already received it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow us! - Website: www.facesforthefuture.org - Email: info@facesforthefuture.org - Instagram: www.instagram.com/faces4futurecoalition/ - Twitter: www.twitter.com/FACES4Future - Facebook: www.facebook.com/FACES-for-the-Future-25378049530/ - LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/groups/6603819/profile