Produced and directed by Ben Wu and David Usui,
of Lost & Found Films (
Prime Burger Restaurant, in Midtown Manhattan
For many of the guys that work here, the restaurant is like a second home - some of them have been slinging burgers, making shakes, and waiting on customers at this location for decades. Opened in 1938, the place hasn't been altered since the early '60s, and it looks all the better for it.
Here the waiters and workers of Prime Burger discuss their views on their chosen profession, and the unique nature of the place itself.
There's no place like home. It's where we live, work and dream. It's our sanctuary and our refuge. We can love them or hate them. It can be just for the night or for the rest of our lives. But whoever we may be, we all have a place we call home.
THIS MUST BE THE PLACE is a series of short films that explore the idea of home, or places that function as home - workplaces, hang out spots, etc. We want to figure out what makes them, how they represent us, why we need them.
We're always on the lookout for dwellings of all sorts. If you've come across any curious or eccentric homes or other curious places, feel free to send them along.
Music Credits:
"Pledging My Love" Johnny Tillotson
"Sit Down Servant" The Staple Singers
"Come and Save Us" Spiritual Singers
"The World is a Cafeteria" Mask Man & The Agents