Update: 25th January 2015 Laps: 40"590, 40"617, 39"883 pbs.twimg.com/media/B8QXUMsCEAAnoOT.png Previous World Record: 2:01.202 by Fox (208 days) ------ As you can see, the lap 1 after glitch and the lap 2 mountain section are weak but overall, I'm really happy about this because everything after the lap 2 glitch is really good. That last lap is a best split for me! I played this track quite a lot this month so to get this feels amazing. I still can't believe I set a world record in this game in 2015. Dedicated to Sword and NMeade for pushing me to play this dreadful, rotten, disgusting track again. :) --- Mario Kart Wii World Record Page: www.mkwrs.com/mkwii/ Mario Kart Wii Worldwide Top 10s: mkwtops.weebly.com/ My Twitter for contacting: twitter.com/TroyWD98 --- Music: F-777 - Town Folk Rave This song sync'd up so well with DKM, made me happy lol - Troy (TWD98)