碰到火災時,你會1)躲到浴室裡。2)往高處避難。3)用濕毛巾摀住口鼻逃生嗎?事實上,這三個廣為人知的消防逃生觀念都是錯的!為了自己和消防員的生命安全。來聽聽消防員蔡宗翰告訴你什麼才是正確的火場逃生原則! Tsung-Han Tsai graduated from the fire department division of Central Police University, and now serves in the Kaohsiung City Government Fire Department. Filled with ideal and enthusiasm, he eagerly advocates for disaster prevention and relief work. In 2013, Tsai was awarded for his extra meritorious work by the former Interior Minister Hong-Yuan Lee. After the Typhoon Morakot, Fanapi and the Kaohsiung petrochemical gas explosion disaster, he realized that not only the general public had very little knowledge on disaster prevention, the government’s response to disaster management also desperately needed to be more proactive and meticulous. In addition to improving government disaster prevention and resilience, he advocates for educating the public, including local communities and campuses, on the correct concept of fire survival skills. 畢業於中央警察大學消防系,現服務於高雄市政府消防局。 對於災害防救工作的推動充滿熱忱與理想,並在2013年獲前內政部李鴻源部長頒發為「推動災害防救工作特殊有功人員」。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx