Welcome to my new series - The Beardnecessities. In episode one we are focusing mainly on DHT News flash beware beard powder scam: youtu.be/rfC1B6AMDr0 You'll hear 5 facts about DHT, How hair actually grows - the three phases of growth Angen, Catagen,Telogen DHT and Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) scalp VS Face ( Beard) & effects of "DHT Blockers" Scaremongers - Two typical types Why you shouldn't lose your gains when quitting (BEARD ONLY) A list of DHT blockers to avoid in using when growing a beard (provided thanks to the tireless efforts of TMBS on Facebook all credit to them) Source:www.facebook.com/groups/TheMinoxBeardSpot/permalink/1557798987850865/ I will keep these updated but so far we know to avoid: (more can be found here thebeardspot.com/dht-inhibitors/) - Saw Palmetto - Rosemary Oil - Lavender Oil - Coconut Oil - Emu Oil - Soy Based Products/ Foods/ Oils - Pumpkin Seed Oil - Spectral DNC-N - Tea Tree Oil - Copper Peptides (SRCP) - Finestride - Being Lazy - Excess fat can cause Testosterone to convert into Oestrogen at a faster rate. A big thank you for taking the time to watch. Please do feel free to critique if you feel that anything I said was incorrect in anyway - and post links to relevant research - as humans we are always learning. Please like, comment and subscribe DHT Facts and MPB information Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/68082.php