English Subtitle available! כתבתה של שירלי ברקוביץ על, השפעות הקרינה הבלתי מייננת, רגישות לקרינה ופריסת הWIFI בבתי הספר. שודרה ב24/02/2016 , שעה 21:40 , מבט שני ערוץ 1. I am guessing most of you don't know Hebrew, so I prepared English subtitles for this video which was aired in Israel Ch1 national TV in 24/2/2016. This article was done by Shirly Berkovitch. In the article 2 EHS people , Myself and Meni Benari, present our story, there is a review about EMF and EHS. In addition it covers the high so called "safety standards" and the deployment of WIFI in schools. This report was aired few days ago in Israel CH1, main report/investigation program.