Something's going on with aliens and the Jews. I don't know exactly what but I do know 100% sure that we are in grave danger. Top of the Jews/ the false Jews, whatever you want to call it want to realize the NWO, New World Order, they want to rule the world from a great Israel, this is called ZION. The white race and the US have to be terminated.because the white man always stopped their plans in the past and the US is last beacon of freedom, believe it or not. Especially because the Americans have guns THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES LEFT ON EARTH THAT CAN PROTECT THEMSELVES AGAINST A JEW CONTROLLED GOVERNMENT THAT WANTS TO EXTERMINATE THEM. I put it in capitals because it's so incredibly important. You want to live? Contact congress, of course many of them are bought, Aipac, but they voted against 'Obama's', the Jews that control him, gun control law. Anyway you look at it, you have to take action, what a lot of people that have woken up don't seem to understand is THAT YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING! You cannot know, discuss it, nothing will happen, only the people with power can save us, CONGRESS.