Hypnotherapy Demonstration Using Mind Bending Language with Igor Ledochowski

submitted by VidVideo on 12/25/16 1

tinyurl.com/ConversationalHypnosis2016 This is a demonstration about the potential of covert hypnosis to influence human behaviour! In this video, secret hypnotherapy techniques are used to transform a "secret smoker" into a die-hard non-smoker. When you use Mind Bending Language (MBL) in your hypnotherapy work... You transfer the power to your client to "unknot" themselves from the issue or problem they want to be free from. And because Mind Bending Language is non-detectable to the client as a technique (they experience it as a normal conversation) -- they are unable to put up any resistance to it. That's why MBL is SO effective. Igor Ledochowski is the creator of the "power of conversational hypnosis home study program". Clifford Mee is StreetHypnosis's Editor & Publisher. They both put together a complete set of instructional videos, audio and PDF ebooks to this brand new power of conversational hypnosis video training program. Once you sign, you will get instant access to all igor ledochowski master classes, as well as all the ebooks, mp3 and audio. Then you can download all the instructional materials including secret induction scripts, conversational hypnosis lessons in writing text messages, and how to use it in business sales or even use it in seduction! Start learning hypnosis today by watching the best covert hypnosis techniques in action at the comfort of your home. Use it in your everyday conversations and become more powerful, influential and respected. So, you may ask: How does the power of conversational hypnosis work? Click here to find out: tinyurl.com/ConversationalHypnosis2016 Video URL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3bI7pQl3nM

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