This show follows the Brown Pride Gang, a gang that largely consists of Hispanics on the east coast, particularly in Tennessee. The show depicts what happens when someone gets on a gang's wanted list. Not long after this episode was filmed, the leader of the Brown Pride Gang was arrested for allegedly ordering a shooting. Brown Pride gang members are called Brown priders. Their colors are brown, and numbers are 218. 2 for the second letter in the spanish alphabet, and 18 for the eighteenth letter in the spanish alphabet (BP). Brown Pride is a young gang that was founded in Nashville, but quickly started to spread out, mainly to the southern California, and is one of the most notorious gangs today. Their rivals are the Norteños, Sureños, and MS 13 members however, In southern California most Sureños and Brownpriders are united and their rivals are mainly Crips, Bloods, and/or MS 13 gang members, and in northern California they mostly affiliate with Norteños and their main rival is Sureños and MS-13