Build Up Your Confidence: Positive Subliminal Affirmations for Self Esteem

submitted by Money Mindset Meditation Group on 12/02/16 1

Many people struggle with the question of how to be confident. In order to feel a high level of confidence, it’s necessary to value yourself as a human being, develop this inner feeling of self-worth, and appreciate who you are. Self-confidence is the executor of your inner feeling (self-esteem). When you validate your existence, truly feel that you are deserving and equal to others, and love your being, you will show it and behave in a way that matches it (confidence). .................................................................................. Download audio MP3 version of this subliminal meditation here: ................................................................................... The subliminal messages that are listed below will help you develop a sense of grounding and believing in yourself and your rights to feel valuable and worthy. These subliminals will help you create new subconscious beliefs about yourself. ** This is not a replacement for a medical treatment** ** Do not listen in a moving vehicle** ** Headphones are recommended but are not a must** The subliminal affirmations of this meditation: I am connected to the divine energy of the universe that fills me with security | I believe I can do everything I put my mind to | Every day that goes by, I believe in myself more and more | I feel a deep sense of confidence and peace | I respect my talents and abilities, nourish them, and express them freely | I discover new sides in me that intensify my sense of confidence | I allow myself to feel powerful | I am strong and have immense inner resources | I feel valuable and worthy every day that goes by | My comfort level in social situations is high and it shows | I deserve to feel good about myself; I am a deserving human being | I am a worthy person and others respect me | I trust myself to do anything I choose to | I love and accept myself in every situation at all times

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