10 Instagram Marketing Tips To Use For Business!

submitted by xylo on 12/01/16 1

How To Use Instagram For Business - www.risemarketer.com/go/yt-free-course Tip #1: Your Instagram Bio Is Your Ad Space For personal use, Instagram is very addicting. It’s fun, spontaneous, and it connects people. For businesses, you have to be more tactful with the the limited 150 characters that you’re given to express what you’re about, on the online world. Full Blog Post: www.risemarketer.com/10-instagram-marketing-tips-for-your-business/ Tip #2: Track Your Traffic With A Link Shortener To monitor more accurate click-through rates, I recommend that marketers and businesses utilize a customized bit.ly link (or a link from another shortener) exclusively for the URL in their Instagram bio. Tip #3: Take Advantage of Hashtags And Trends Utilize Instagram Explore to find what’s in the down low in the community. Similar to Facebook and Twitter trends, you can take advantage of thousands upon thousands of people that are looking through these hashtags. Tip #4: Mix Videos And Photos In Your Profile Having a balance between pictures and videos through your content marketing can give it a fresh look to your audience. It also adds that extra touch of authenticity, because it adds that extra piece of brand authenticity. Tip #5: Make Your Pictures Share Worthy A great tool to use in order to achieve this easily is an app called Canva. The app is a very user friendly, yet extremely useful tool to use to make amazing images and graphics. You can easily drag-and-drop elements, pictures, and texts to make the designs of your liking to share with the world. Tip #6: Use Social Tools To Optimize Your Time Not everyone has a lot of time to spend on social media like teenage girls do, but there are automation tools that you can use to get the same level of effectiveness as the larger brands on IG. A great tool to accomplish this is HootSuite. HootSuite is a social media marketing tool that you can use to schedule posts for your content marketing campaigns. The app is compatible with over 35 of the top social media websites on the internet, so you can diversify your impact with this awesome tool. Tip #7: Utilize Sponsored Ads Instagram’s Ads system is unique in this way, because most social media companies have made their ads de-sensitized in a way, due to ads being spread across a web-page Tip#8: Direct Users To Your Most Valuable Posts You can choose to direct users to a permanent page, such as your website’s homepage or your blog. But an even better option is to link to your most current content, whether that’s an article, blog post or promotion. Tip #9: Build A Community Through Hashtags If you really think about it, hashtags are search terms in the social media space. Creating a hashtag for your business would be a great way to increase your engagement with your audience. For example, you can create a name for your followers and create that into a hashtag itself. Tip #10: Partner With Influential Figures Many famous instagrammers make an income from paid sponsorships. Depending on your product, you can find relevant users that have amassed a huge following, and inquire them to give a shout-out to your profile or use your product. www.youtube.com/watch?v=okvzhvNyUqI

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