Nowadays, there are many singing competitions in which contestants must perform covers of popular music. This can be dangerous because there are many copyrights laws surrounding the use and distribution of the songs of other artists. Attorney Tommy Wang discusses the copyright laws regarding music and the mistakes aspiring artists can avoid. For more information about Tommy Wang or other copyright issues, please visit our website at - 近些年來,很多才藝比賽和歌星選拔的崛起,讓媒體和群眾聚焦素人的表演。然而,大家很容易忽略的是,這些參賽者表演的音樂通常都是受版權保護的。王崧峰律師和大家分享音樂界中經常涉及的版權法和新秀明星可以避免的法律問題。若想了解更多關於王崧峰律師或版權法的資訊,請訪問我們的網址