As a member of the leading luxury real estate sales team known as The Jills® in addition to being featured in Forbes 30 Under 30 list as an industry leader, Danny Hertzberg knows a thing or two about success. In building his reputation in the real estate world, Hertzberg recognizes the importance of protecting his brand and professional image. Tommy Wang is proud to have filed Hertzberg’s trademark for “Second Generation Selling™.” Filing for a trademark is essential in protecting not only your business’ brand but also its reputation. Registering your trademark ensures your rights to prevent other businesses from misappropriating your brand’s image or namesake and more importantly, confusing your customers and clients. - 抓住市場機運,並發揮商標效益,就能累積財富。邁阿密有一位年輕人,自創了自己的房地產品牌,專門經手頂級住宅。還在二十九歲那一年,帶領著團隊完成了四千多萬美元的交易。不僅業內人士對他刮目相看,這位年輕人還一舉登上”富比世”財富排行榜。這星期的『商法立先鋒』,帶您了解。