Renowned Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon Dr. Brent Moelleken trademarked the 360 Facelift®. By trademarking and protecting the signature name for his most popular procedure, Moelleken has successfully built a name for himself in the industry. Trademark protection is not just for commercial brands and companies -- as Dr. Moelleken has shown, it can also be useful in the medical field. In this ETTV segment, attorney Tommy Wang addresses the topic of trademark law. -- 在前幾集的”商法立先鋒中”我們介紹了如何將產品、服務等項目登記成註冊商標,但其實連醫療界的手術方法也能取得商標保護。在洛杉磯就有一位整形醫師,為自己獨創的整容方法註冊商標,並經由各種媒體報導,把整容方法當成產品行銷,結果相當成功。