Enjoy this beautiful CGI 3D Animated short film called "AKOUO"! In a silent universe, a young girl meets a curious little creature. Their complicity brings an amazing and colorful world to life, full of music and sounds. The little beast guides her into a self-revelation. The beast embodies the child’s first hearing aid . Thanks to it, the deaf little girl hears for the first time. AKOUO is a graduating 3D short film by the talented ECV Aquitaine students Sophie Annibal, Nina Degrendel, Sophie Heidenreich, Claire Souquet and Sophie Stanculescu. If you liked it, please visit our portfolios at: Sophie Annibal sophieannibal.blogspot.fr/ Nina Degrendel ninadegrendel.wix.com/ndga Sophie Heidenreich sophie-hei.tumblr.com/ Claire Souquet clairesouquet.wix.com/blog Sophie Stanculescu sophiestanculescu.com SUBSCRIBE - to TheCGBros for more inspiring content! www.youtube.com/user/thecgbro?sub_confirmation=1 Official TheCGBros www.thecgbros.com YouTube www.youtube.com/user/TheCGBro Facebook www.facebook.com/TheCGBro Twitter twitter.com/TheCGBros Google+ plus.google.com/104301021746334584641 Pinterest www.pinterest.com/TheCGBros/ Tumblr thecgbros.tumblr.com/