Enjoy this CGI 3D Animated short about...On an unknown planet, a battle between an astronaut and an alien for the gain of the territory will cause important changes to the coveted place. Plantage Cosmique was born for Les Espoirs de l’Animation’s contest in 2016. We dreamt about contrasts of colors and an increasing pace which is what we gave to Plantage Cosmique during those six weeks of creation. Following the huge support from the web surfers, we won the Espoirs de l’Animation’s Audience’s Award at Annecy’s Festival. Charline PARISOT : Storyboard / Animatique / Setup / Animation / Montage www.linkedin.com/in/charline-parisot-184293114?authType=name&authToken=Zyec&trk=prof-proj-cc-name Victoire LE DOURNER : Direction Artistique / Character Design www.linkedin.com/in/victoire-le-dourner-28032aa8?authType=name&authToken=CY0a&trk=prof-proj-cc-name Thibaut WAMBRE : Modélisation / Rendu / Compositing www.linkedin.com/in/thibaut-wambre-105387106?authType=name&authToken=HIic&trk=prof-proj-cc-name Raphaël GUEZ : Layout / Modélisation / FX Hugo BOURRIEZ : Modélisation / Animation www.linkedin.com/in/hugo-bourriez-7a3289bb?authType=name&authToken=_hsL&trk=prof-proj-cc-name Juliette GALES : Setup / Animation Musics from a-music SUBSCRIBE - to TheCGBros for more inspiring content! www.youtube.com/user/thecgbro?sub_confirmation=1 Official TheCGBros www.thecgbros.com YouTube www.youtube.com/user/TheCGBro Facebook www.facebook.com/TheCGBro Twitter twitter.com/TheCGBros Google+ plus.google.com/104301021746334584641 Pinterest www.pinterest.com/TheCGBros/ Tumblr thecgbros.tumblr.com/ #VFX #CGI #TheCGBros #3D #Shortfilms #Breakdowns #Reels