Enjoy this CGI animated short film...In a world made of crafting materials and supplies, a grandma lives with her crafting tools when one day her mischievous pair of scissors decides to make a mess out of her beautiful fabric garden. Created by the talented Soo Choi & Nancy Jing at Ringling College of Art & Design. Background: Soo Choi and Nancy Jing are both Computer Animation graduates from Ringling College of Art and Design. Website & Emails: Soo Choi cargocollective.com/soochoi schoi.vfx@gmail.com Nancy Jing: cargocollective.com/nancyjing njliu@c.ringling.edu Sound/Music: Original score and sound design by Rafael Fernandez Viedma www.youtube.com/user/RafaelViedma SUBSCRIBE - to TheCGBros for more inspiring content! www.youtube.com/user/thecgbro?sub_confirmation=1 Official TheCGBros www.thecgbros.com YouTube www.youtube.com/user/TheCGBro Facebook www.facebook.com/TheCGBro Twitter twitter.com/TheCGBros Google+ plus.google.com/104301021746334584641 Pinterest www.pinterest.com/TheCGBros/ Tumblr thecgbros.tumblr.com/ #VFX #CGI #TheCGBros #3D #Shortfilms #Breakdowns #Reels