SHOCKING Sept 13, 2015 Financial E-Day 29 Elul Shemitah End

submitted by Read More About it on 10/02/16 1

September 2001. September 2008. The two greatest stock market meltdowns in modern history…spaced nearly 7 years apart to the day…and both tied directly to the last day of the year on the Hebrew calendar, Elul 29. Simple coincidence…or something more? Unless you have read Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s runaway best-seller, “Mystery of The Shemitah,” or his earlier book, "The Harbinger," you probably have no idea. September 2015…THIS September… seven years later. Could history repeat itself on THIS Elul 29 which falls on September 13th? Are these economic judgments directly linked to America’s steamrolling moral decay? And, if so, what could this mean for you, your family, and your finances? So, why should Americans worry about an ancient Jewish Sabbath tradition? What relevance do the four blood moons and two solar eclipses have on future events? Does it matter that they, too, occur on Jewish holy days? Could the seven-year cycle of debt forgiveness and clearing the financial books signal an imminent collapse of our debt-based economic system? Does an America that rejects Israel’s right to its eternal capital, Jerusalem, and considers nullifying God’s Biblically-inspired plan for traditional marriage deserve anything LESS than His judgment? Rabbi Cahn does more than simply raise questions. In the Mystery of the Shemitah he expands upon his thought-provoking teachings in “The Harbinger” to provide insightful answers that could mean the difference between blessing and cursing, abundance and want, even life and death…for you and your family. There is still time to purchase and digest these life-changing teachings found in “The Shemitah,” but the clock to September 13th is counting down. (clock ticking sound effect) We encourage you to check out Rabbi Cahn’s latest teachings including stunning prophetic warnings...tied to the Shemitah, the blood moons, and other critical end-times events at the following You Tube video, and on his Internet Home Page, Those wanting to receive Jonathan Cahn’s daily word of encouragement, an assortment of free gifts, or to become a supporting member of his ministry may also do so at Rabbi Cahn wishes you and your family…"shalom.” This has been Todd Beezley, reporting. "Mystery of the Shemitah" is available on Amazon and in bookstores everywhere. "Mystery of the Shemitah" is available on Amazon and in bookstores everywhere. ...and view more videos on our website at: Clean.TV

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