Israel, USA, N. Korea bible Prophecy News Sept. 9, 2016

submitted by Read More About it on 10/02/16 1

Bible Prophecy News Link for bomb info: We need your offerings. If you wish to be a partaker of this work here is the information. Link is below. It is a large fundraiser platform in usa and takes credit cards online. If one did not give to the Levites the offerings as set forth in Torah, they did not pray for the blessings of the Lord to rest on that person and their house. This is what I follow. I am not a pastor of any church, I am not ordained by any man made organization. I never went to seminary. My references are with YHVH and his son Yeshua Ha Mashiach. I present to you as a Levite sending the true Gospel out from the Galilee not unlike some who came before me. Don't sell the Galilee short, LOL..

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