End Times Bible Prophecy Revealed - 'Why Russia and Europe will Combine'

submitted by Read More About it on 10/02/16 1

Bible Prophecy The Bible clearly teaches the restoration of Israel to their land. Israel, as the Holy Land, is the focus of three religions. Both Russia (who has returned to her ancient Orthodox roots), and Europe have religious interests in Israel, and particularly Jerusalem. This talk clearly identifies countries to be involved in the invasion of Israel. At Jerusalem the invading armies will be remarkably defeated, but not before Israel experiences another holocaust. Open your Bibles and see the message for yourself! Why Russia and Europe will Come Together – Frank Abel Speaking at Melbourne Prophecy Day 2015 Other Channels we recommend www.youtube.com/BibleProphecyHD www.youtube.com/ChristadelphianVideo Bible Truth about Prophecy, - Welcome to our channel run by the Christadelphians Worldwide to help promote the understanding of God's Word to those who are seeking the Truth about the Human condition and Gods plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. We are always keen to receive your feedback, you may leave comments in the comments area below or alternatively email us at Feedback@ChristadelphianVideo.org and we will get back to you with a reply as soon as we can. Note: Comments with links to other videos or websites will be removed. For more information on the Christadelphians visit You can follow us online at.. bibletruthprophecy.b­logspot.co.uk/ twitter.com/Christadelph www.facebook.com/BibleProphecyTruth sites.google.com/site/truebibleteaching/ www.youtube.com/user/ChristadelphianVideo Read a variety of booklets on-line concerning various key Bible subjects. www.thechristadelphian.com/read_booklets_online.htm Bible Truth & Prophecy is a remarkable on-line tool for establishing just how far removed from the teachings of the Bible mainstream Christian teaching has become. End Time Prophecies are interpreted using the Bible, not man made ideas or notions. Key Biblical subjects such as the Trinity, Devil/Satan worship, Holy Spirit Gifts & much more are all dealt with extensively from the Bible's viewpoint and not man's.We will demonstrate how Christian beliefs have become corrupted, and reveal the 'Truth' as taught by the 1st Century Apostles.

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