Google Tech Talk Web Exponents presented by Rob Campbell May 1, 2009 blog post: TBD In this talk we explore web development and debugging strategies with Firebug. An overview of new and improved features and how to use them is presented. We wrap-up with a peek at FireUnit, a new Firebug extension by John Resig and Jan Odvarko, and it's role in unittesting Firebug itself. Rob Campbell studied CS at Acadia University in Wolfville, NS with an emphasis on computer languages and object oriented programming. Rob has worked in various industries including satellite imaging, shipping logistics and government as a contractor and consultant for more than 15 years. He joined Mozilla in 2006 and led the charge to create a unittesting infrastructure and mindset for application development. He has been involved with performance testing initiatives and analysis before joining the Firebug Working Group in mid-2008.