Hanzo goes to Long Beach Comic Con to eliminate Overwatch and their allies with his two dragons. D-Piddy as Dragon 1 facebook.com/mercwiththemoves twitter.com/_dpiddy instagram.com/_dpiddy Kein as Dragon 2 instagram.com/landonardo Landon as Hanzo instagram.com/keintastic Lethal Soul youtube.com/TheLethalSoul facebook.com/thelethalsoul twitter.com/TheLethalSoul instagram.com/lethal.soul ---------- Editing: D-Piddy Camera: Notorious BOB (goo.gl/MgRWo | goo.gl/iWQK9s) Music: Musical Ghost - Overwatch Victory Theme [Electro Swing Remix] (goo.gl/EGp5KM) SPECIAL THANKS: Long Beach Comic Con (longbeachcomiccon.com) Amber Brite (goo.gl/kjsLi0 | goo.gl/LdRd4D) Bernie Bregman (goo.gl/2a42Ji | goo.gl/uDRI3p) Dangeous Pixie (goo.gl/SKCEZT | goo.gl/HxkOYQ) Chihiro & Chieko (goo.gl/nSE4Ot | goo.gl/7gQ8Ht) Envy Adams (goo.gl/PjIlA9 | goo.gl/jmfNWi) Hendo Art (goo.gl/NCx9SF | goo.gl/hCRlUf) Indofear (goo.gl/7Zoa3Z | goo.gl/Jxipfn) John Carle (goo.gl/JFHhnP | goo.gl/qxmOse) Rachel Lynn (goo.gl/NhGG8K) Scientist Wrangler (goo.gl/0RXnJi | goo.gl/l20Xmq) Shay Gilbert (goo.gl/9CNhik | goo.gl/ow4erm) Stella Chuu (goo.gl/1Vjuwj | goo.gl/x2Q4SB) Vivid Vivka (goo.gl/1qjAAe | goo.gl/x2Nkz4)