Shelly Beach / Sydney / New South Wales / Australia Wobbegong Shark There are 12 species of that carpet shark. They live in shallow tropical waters and its name comes from Australian Aboriginal Language and means "shaggy beard". Watching this video you will see why this name is very accurate. Their body is covered with symmetrical pattern which resembles carpet. Being ambush predators camouflage is very important, they hide in rocks and grass waiting for smaller fish to pass by. However this shark is not dangerous for humans it is better not bother it or touch as they can bite. Teeth are sharp and go thru wet suit. After the bite they tend to stick around being difficult to remove. So it is better to watch from far. Schelly Beach - how to get there Once in Sydney take a ferry from Circular Quay to Manly Wharf. The ticket costs 7,50 dollars one way and the trip takes around 30 minutes. After arrival head towards Manly Beach which is a paradise for surfers. Head right and take the famous Manly to Shelly Walk along the Cabbage Tree Bay. Dive in and enjoy. -- Camera: Diego Montejo Direction and editing: Helena Franczak Music: "Ever Felt pt.2" by Otis McDonald --