▲ Abonnez-vous ici : bit.ly/SimpleHypesub From Isfahan to Persepolis, from Tehran to Shiraz in Iran, the archeological jewels and the magnificent landscapes attract an increasing number of tourists. It’s a windfall for Tour Operators around the world and for the economy of this country which has been strangulated under a commercial embargo for years. The new moderate president, Hassan Rohani, and his more flexible policy slowly change the face of the country. A cautious opening is becoming apparent. Will Iranian authorities manage to turn the visit of ancient Persia into a trendy tourist route? ▲ Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne ici : bit.ly/11lw9PF ! ▲ Nos nouvelles vidéos : bit.ly/1vsBJ8y ▲ Suivez-nous sur Facebook : on.fb.me/11lxia3