HEY! The 2nd season of the Annoying Orange TV show starts this Thursday on Cartoon Network at 7:30/6:30c!!! WATCH IT! HAHAHA!!! FREE Version of Annoying Orange Kitchen Carnage: iTUNES: bit.ly/AOKitchenCarnageLite ANDROID: bit.ly/KCLiteGoogle An Orange annoys the hell out of his friend, Apple. MERCH: AO TOYS! bit.ly/AOToys T-SHIRTS: jcp.is/AOinJCP iPHONE iPOD GAME: bit.ly/KitchenCarnage iPAD GAME: bit.ly/KitchenCarnageHD ANDROID GAME: bit.ly/qqDmRi FOLLOW ME: TWITTER: twitter.com/annoyingorange FACEBOOK: facebook.com/annoyingorange FACEBOOK APP: apps.facebook.com/realannoyingorange/ WATCH ALL MY EPISODES: bit.ly/AOPlaylist CREATED BY: DANEBOE: youtube.com/daneboe DANEBOE GAMING CHANNEL: youtube.com/superboebros DANEBOE 2ND CHANNEL: youtube.com/user/gagfilms