Dr. Peter Landless, a former member of President Nelson Mandela’s cardiology team and a recipient of South Africa’s Southern Cross Medal, is the new Health Ministries director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The post is one that includes charting the course of health promotion, which has made Seventh-day Adventists the longest-living people group ever studied. The latest results of the ongoing Adventist Health Study 2 -- funded in part by the U.S. National Institutes of Health -- were reported by major international news media in June. In 2009, the Seventh-day Adventist Church became the first denomination to collaborate with the World Health Organization as it sought faith-based partnerships to help implement including the UN Millennium Development Goals in local areas. The denomination will meet again with top WHO leaders next year in Geneva.
For media interviews of Dr. Landless, contact Garrett Caldwell at CaldwellG@gc.adventist.org or Ansel Oliver at OliverA@gc.adventist.org.