Pokémon GO the new augmented reality game by Nintendo and Niantic for iOS and Android devices was released this week in 2016. I went to the local park and found tons of people playing Pokemon GO. Subscribe to mikeNgary for more: bit.ly/1PAYX5D. At most parks there are tons of Pokemon, Poke Stops, candy, and trainers. I ran into many friends of mine and made some new friends around lures. I give my thoughts on this and a quick review of the game. Who else is interested in playing the Ingress video game? This was filmed at Nathanael Greene Park located in Springfield, MO. ► SUBSCRIBE Today! bit.ly/1PAYX5D ► LIKE us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/mikeNgary/ ► FOLLOW us on Twitter: twitter.com/themikengary ► FOLLOW us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/mikengary/ ► READ our blog: www.mikengary.com/