Pokemon Go Gameplay brings you a brand new episode! Great New Secrets you probably didn´t know yet about Pokemon Go and a few helpful information to guide you on your journey! Team GeO Official Facebook: www.facebook.com/teamgeo Twitter: twitter.com/pokemongogaming Facebook: www.facebook.com/pokemongogameplay/ Business Contact: pokemongogameplay@hotmail.com Tags: Pokemon Go Gameplay, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Go Brasil, Pokemon Go Plus, Pokemon, Pokemon Go Gym, Pokemon Go Coins, Pokemon Go Battle, Pokemon Go Legendary, Pokemon Go Events, Pokemon Go Trade, Pokemon Go News, Pokemon Go Walkthrough, Pokemon Go Tutorial, Pokemon Go Eggs, Pokemon Go Pokedex, Pokemon Go Evolution, Pokemon Go Gym, Pokemon Go Update, Pokemon Go Guide, Nintendo, Mobile Games, IOS, Android, Gaming, Video Games, Tutorials, Help, Walkthrough, Guide, The Official Pokemon Website: www.pokemon.com/ Pokemon Owned By Nintendo GameFreak. Pokemon Go being developed by Niantic Labs. Footage recorded for fair use and intended for educational purposes, information and entertainment. Fan Pokémon GO Channel.