www.FatBuddhaFitness.com Hola, buenos dias y que tal? Welcome back once again to a new workout here on FBF. I'm currently away travelling in South America but don't worry, that doesn't mean I've abandoned you. As I'm in the Andes and this is ideal trekking country, I've come up with a Hiking Workout. It's an interval training workout that focusses on your legs, particularly your quads, and your lung capacity. It's high up in the Andes and the altitude is as much of a problem as the exercise you'll be doing so you need to prepare your lungs. Set you're interval timer to either 27, 36 or 45 rounds of 10-seconds (rest) and 30-seconds (work) and then do between 3 to 5 sets of these 9 exercises: Sprinting on the spot Crouches Steam engine Side-to-side leaps Salsa steps Alternate step-ups Alternate supermen back extensions Alternate side lunges with knee-tuck jump combo Twisties Hope you enjoy this and happy hiking. Hasta Luego and Amituofo Chestermonkeymagic