www.alldayfatburningdiet.com - To boost your metabolism you need to avoid the 6 fat triggers I'm going to tell you about in this video. If you’ve tried all the diets and are still struggling to lose weight, then your metabolism is most likely part of the problem. In this 4-part Metabolism Masterclass I'm going to show you how to boost your metabolism so you can lose weight more easily. In this video, I'm going to show you how chronic stress, which puts your body into survival mode, is a big reason why you’re dealing with unexplained weight problems. And there are 6 specific fat triggers that increase the stress response in your body that are slowing your metabolism and making losing weight next to impossible. These fat triggers wreak havoc on your hormones and other bodily functions that are important for good health and a lean body. But the good news is that by addressing each of the fat triggers I’m about to discuss, your metabolism problems begin to resolve. To have better fruit, you must start at the root. That’s what we’re doing here. The reason most diets fail is because they focus only on dietary changes, and that’s why their success is short lived. However, to boost your metabolism you need a unique 4-pronged approach that combines the power of clean eating, smart exercise, and optimal rest and recovery. I walk you through that in these metabolism videos. If you want to cut to the chase and get my proven All-Day Fat Burning Diet which gives you my proven blueprint on how to do this then go here: www.alldayfatburningdiet.com