Joint Health Scrutiny Committee for Cheshire & Merseyside Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology 4th December 2014 West Reception Room, 1st floor, Liverpool Town Hall, Dale Street, Liverpool starting at 10.30am 1. Welcome and Introductions For the Chair, Councillor Richard McLinden, to welcome attendees to the meeting and lead introductions. 2. Declarations of Interest To provide an opportunity for Members / Officers to declare any pecuniary or significant prejudicial interests they may have in any item on the agenda. 3. Minutes of the Last Meeting To receive and consider the minutes of the last meeting, held on 27th November 2014. (The minutes will be circulated as soon as possible) 4. Witness Recall Opportunity To provide a final opportunity for the Committee to recall any witnesses who have given submissions at the previous meetings. 5. Consideration of Representations and Information For the Committee to review the representations and information received over the course of its previous meetings, prior to determining its recommendation. 6. Recommendation of Committee For the Committee to make its recommendation on the proposals for the future cancer services provided by Clatterbridge Centre NHS Trust.