A Simple Lane Improves the Health of Millions of Latin Americans

submitted by Climate Change:How Skewed Are We...Reall on 07/13/16 1

A transportation system designed so that users have to walk around 15 minutes per trip and the construction of dedicated bicycle lanes can have an enormous impact on the health budget of cities. A World Bank study revealed that for each dollar that Bogota invests in the construction of exclusive bike lanes (called CicloRutas), the Colombian capital saves almost 3 dollars in health services. The use of bicycles in cities has also the advantage that it contributes to reducing the number of vehicles on the streets, and brings along benefits such as the reduction of traffic and environmental pollution. Moreover, over 70% of CicloRutas users ride the bicycle because it seems to them a quick transportation mean to get to their destination, according to studies. To talk about these topics, we followed Leonardo Cañón, transport expert, through the busy streets of Bogota. For more information, read the World Bank study: openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/16376/9781464800160.pdf?sequence=1

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